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ASSP Vice President
15 days ago · changed the group description.
ASSP Vice President

The Student Senate is to be a body of well-informed students who represent their fellow peers, find innovative solutions to student concerns, and facilitate interaction between the students and the administration, faculty, and staff.

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ASSP Vice President
ASSP Vice President
This post is from a suggested group
ASSP Vice President
15 days ago · posted in Senate
ASSP Vice President

Welcome to our group Senate! A space for us to connect and share with each other. Start by posting your thoughts, sharing media, or creating a poll.

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ASSP Officer of Operations
15 days ago · posted in ASSP
ASSP Operations

Welcome to SPU Sphere--SPU's new community hosting platform built directly into the ASSP website! RSVP for events, apply to join clubs, keep up to date on club activities, and interact with your peers all in one place.


You can join clubs and other campus organizations by clicking the "Join" or "Request to Join" buttons when you hover over a group's name in the list, or when viewing their group page. Clubs will use Sphere to manage their members, make posts about their activities, and advertise their events. Once you've joined a group, you'll start seeing their posts on the Sphere Feed page!

If you're a club president or group admin, you'll have special access to some group editing privileges, like updating the group's profile image, managing your club members, and adjusting other settings. For more information about how to manage your group, take a look at the Leadership Training page.

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Welcome to our group Committee for Student Clubs (CSC)! A space for us to connect and share with each other. Start by posting your thoughts, sharing media, or creating a poll.

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ASSP Officer of Student Groups
21 days ago · changed the group description.
ASSP Club Officer

Our mission is to instill community and to offer mentorship and leadership to women in Engineering and Computer Science at SPU.

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ASSP Officer of Student Groups
21 days ago · changed the group description.
ASSP Club Officer

Vietnamese Student Association (VSA) commits to sharing Vietnamese culture with the SPU community by fostering the celebration of our cultural values and traditions. We also aim to create an inclusive, engaging, and welcoming space for not only Vietnamese students but also those with other cultural backgrounds.

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ASSP Officer of Student Groups
21 days ago · changed the group description.
ASSP Club Officer

The SPU Sociology Club aims to provide a space of safety, inclusion, rest, visibility, acceptance, and movement for students studying the systemic injustices of the world and grappling with the realities of the structures within they operate.

This post is from a suggested group
ASSP Officer of Student Groups
21 days ago · changed the group description.
ASSP Club Officer

SPU Developers is an organization dedicated to building community within the Computer Science and Engineering department at SPU. We meet two times a month to discuss programming topics or to do workshops on certain Computer Science technologies.

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