What is Stall Talk?
Stall Talk is a monthly newsletter posted in bathroom stalls on the SPU campus. You can find them in SPU's public bathrooms and read up on upcoming events.
Have something you want to promote? Submit it to ASSP Stall Talk!
Have any Questions?
You can email our Officer of Operations at for assistance.
Rules for Submission
At this time, only student clubs/organizations can submit requests for publication in Stall Talk.
To be included in an edition of Stall Talk, submissions must be complete by the deadline:​
October Edition - Submit by 11:59pm on September 28th
November Edition - Submit by 11:59pm on October 31st
January Edition - Submit by 11:59pm on January 3rd
February + March Edition - Submit by 11:59pm on January 28th
April Edition - Submit by 11:59pm on March 24th
May + June Edition - Submit by 11:59pm on April 26th
Submissions will not be accepted after these dates.
All club events must be approved by the Committee for Student Clubs BEFORE you submit your request. Any events not approved by the deadline will not be included in that edition of Stall Talk.
Please note that some submissions may be rejected due to a lack of space in the requested edition. ASSP also reserves the right to reject submissions for other reasons when necessary.