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The information on this page is intended to prepare student leaders, especially club presidents and board members, for club processes during the academic year. All questions about club processes should be directed to the ASSP Officer of Student groups. As an additional resource, please look to the club handbook before reaching out to the Officer of Student Groups. 


Mission Statement

To support SPU clubs in moving ahead in a direction of unity by listening to club issues, questions, and uncertainties; seeking to assist clubs in finding answers; and, eventually, becoming effective and sustainable, thriving on SPU's campus.



The purpose of this committee is to interact with all clubs and fulfill their needs; to examine club creation, operation, and registration; to review requests for club financing and event suggestions, and to keep clubs responsible for all university and ASSP rules.

  • Reviews all things involving club responsibility, recognition, and continuation.

  • Votes to accept or refuse funding applications and program request forms.

  • Communicate with clubs regularly to verify compliance with the club handbook during CSC meetings.

  • Works to advocate for and assist all campus groups.

  • Every quarter, CSC meets once a week. Check your email from the Club Officer for precise hours and places.

  • To be included in the agenda for the next week, all program request forms MUST be received the week before a CSC meeting


If you have any concerns about CSC or the club procedure, please email the ASSP Officer of Student Groups at and cc their advisor on every email.


Step One: Room Reservation Request

Use RoomFinder to submit a request for your desired space. Please note: even if a venue/room request is approved, CSC will still need to approve your event request.


Submit your event to the ASSP Upcoming Events Calendar

The Calendar Submission Form will double as your event request form. Once your event has been submitted, the ASSP Communications Assistant will create your "event draft," which will serve as your application at CSC. During the CSC meeting, the ASSP Officer of Student Groups will review your event draft and discuss any changes that need to be made with you. From here, the Officer of Student Groups can approve or deny your event.


Approved events will be immediately and automatically published onto the ASSP website's event calendar on the home page, the event list on the upcoming events page, and create an automatic post in your club's SPU Sphere group. 


Social Media

Along with individual accounts for each club/student group, clubs and student groups can also submit content to be posted on the ASSP Instagram account. This may aid in advertising to a wider campus audience than the individual group's social media account. 


Clubs may submit their own graphic to be posted on the ASSP Instagram account, or request that a graphic be made for you. All Instagram post requests must be made with a minimum of 3 days (72 hours) in advance to the desired post date. The form also allows for specification on post type--feed post, or story post.​


Posters must be approved on the 2nd floor of the SUB before distribution. An additional poster can be brought to the ASSP Office for publication on their "Upcoming Events" bulletin board next to the ASSP Office (first floor of the SUB, across from the bathrooms). 


For your poster to be approved, here's the content it should include:

  • Date

  • Time

  • Location

  • A brief description

  • Point of Contact

  • Any other event-specific content applicable to your advertisement (QR code to RSVP, Cash-Only label, SPU ID required etc.)

  • A blank space in the bottom corner for the approval stamp.​


Help from the ASSP Publicist

If your club would like assistance with creating advertisements, you can request that the ASSP Publicist make one for you. Use this form to submit your request with a minimum of 1 week in advance.  

ASSP Stall Talk

Upcoming events, announcements, and other advertisements can be submitted for free to ASSP Stall Talk. Stall Talk is distributed once a month and is published in the stalls of public restrooms on campus. For Stall Talk submission rules, monthly deadlines, and the submission form, visit the Stall Talk page of the ASSP website. 


Step One: Prepare

Applications for Club Continuance open during Spring Quarter each year, so be sure to have completed elections and updated your club's constitution and bylaws with enough time to prepare.


Step Two: Materials

Applications will not be considered unless all materials are submitted. In order to apply for Club Continuance you must submit the following:

  • Constitution and Bylaws.

  • Club Advisor Agreement Form.

  • Next year's Club Leader Agreement Form.

  • Updated projected plans for the next academic year.

  • Current club roster.

  • All event from the previous academic year (excluding meetings).

Step Three: Apply

Once you've gathered all of your materials, fill out the Club Continuance Form by April 28th at 5:00 PM.

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