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The information on this page is intended to prepare student leaders, especially club presidents and board members, for club processes during the academic year. All questions about club processes should be directed to the ASSP Officer of Student Groups. As an additional resource, please look to the club handbook before reaching out to the Officer of Student Groups. 


  • Choose a date.

    • Is your date at least one month away?

    • Are there any other activities planned for that date?

      • I'm not sure. Check the SPU Calendar, the Engage Calendar, and the ASSP website for updates

      • CSC will almost certainly not accept an event schedule that coincides with another significant campus event or club activity

  • Using EMS Room Finder (, submit a room reservation request for a place on campus.

    • Your room reservation will not be finalized until CSC has accepted your event plan.

  • Fill out the form at to add your event to the master calendar.

    • Click "Submit Event" in the bottom right-hand corner under "Calendar Actions."

    • In the top right-hand corner, enter your SPU credentials

    • Fill out the information boxes. Please make sure that any event images you post are acceptable

    • For Calendar Type, choose "Current Students" from the dropdown menu

    • For Event Type, choose "Student Activities" from the dropdown menu

    • After CSC approves your event, your request will be authorized and will appear on the Master Calendar

  • Submit an Event Request form and a Budget Request form simultaneously to CSC at least 4-5 weeks in advance

    • Forms will only be considered if they are submitted electronically through Formstack on time

    • Steps 1-3 in this plan have already been performed. Formstack forms to have the appropriate signatures

    • If you are requesting funds, a financial proposal is submitted together with your event request form on Formstack

  • The ASSP Club Officer will notify you after the next CSC if your event was approved, requires changes, or was denied

    • What if my program is rejected? Consult the ASSP Club Officer. You may need to adjust a day or time, or you may need to suggest a completely new event. If you need to modify your date or time, please complete the relevant Program Change Request.


​The ASSP Club Officer will notify you after the next CSC if your funding proposal was granted and what the next steps are.


Please read the Finance section for a fuller list of financial requests/processes as well as instructions on how to submit the form online.


  • Submit a work request form to Facilities and Building Maintenance at least three weeks in advance.

    • Request all necessary chairs/tables/garbage cans/services using the Facilities online request form at

  • Fill out a Campus Event Checklist through Facilities & Safety and Security as soon as feasible, but no later than 4 weeks in advance.

    • To complete this form, you MUST know if you will require water, power, garbage help, tables, seats, carpet squares, and so on. Include the budget number for your club as well as the work order number

    • Please send floor plans and maps of the locations you want to use

    • Make an appointment to meet with a representative from building maintenance for events with substantial attendance (100 or more guests expected), difficult setup, use of RBP stage, or other uncommon things

  • Once you have received signatures from Facilities, Safety and Security, and your club adviser, this form is complete

  • Contact Catering to place an order for all food and beverage requirements at least three weeks in advance.

    • On their website,,you may view menu options and get a price

    • Set up a meeting with Catering ( to go through the details of the event. They will create a Catering Event Order (CEO) that must be reviewed, signed, and sent back to SPU Dining Services.

    • Before you meet with them, you will need to know:

      • The projected number of participants

      • Catering budget

      • Time, venue, date, and any other essential data

  • Check with Risk Management to see if you need waivers or a contract approved for your event.

    • Please include the Club Officer and OSIL Advisor in all Risk Management correspondence

  • Reserve the necessary media equipment

    • ASSP or CIS

  • Create a promotional strategy and submit your event to Stall Talk.

  • Within one week following the end of your event, complete a Club Event Assessment form (available on the CSC Engage website)

    • Failure to complete this form might jeopardize your club's ability to program on campus

    • A club's new event will not be accepted unless the prior event's event assessment is submitted


Please utilize the timetable and checklist below to assist organize your event preparation and achieving the best outcome for event execution.


The timeframes provided reflect the bare minimum for program planning. Consider the amount and kind of event when allocating time for each phase of the process.


weeks out

  • Brainstorm for event

  • Research costs and materials needed

  • Discuss any groups you should collaborate with

  • Submit finance proposal if over $750


weeks out

  • Submit finance proposal to ASSP

  • Submit room request on room finder

  • submit contract/performance agreement for approval


weeks out

  • Submit work request

  • Submit campus event checklist

  • Submit catering request


weeks out

  • Reserve media equipment: ASSP/CIS

  • Submit waiver: email to


weeks out

  • Submit a request for payment form

  • Submit expense advance -- see the SPU finance website for all forms


week after

  • Submit event assessment

  • Submit reimbursement form--see the SPU website for all finance forms and downloads

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